Monday, September 5, 2011

counting down

Hello my lovelies!
How was everyone's long weekend!?
Hope it was wonderful. : )

Fall is starting to arrive here, the mornings are chilly-icious!
Yikes, that happened fast!
But this week the forecast is for hot and sunny skies.
Go figure. 
I'm ok with that.
We'll take all the hot days we can get here.
Winter comes fast and furious.


So the countdown has begun,
it is officially 10 days until my trip!

Not too nervous yet, just excited.
My girlfriend (aka the birthday girl) has been sending me emails with
places to stay and spas to..well, go spa-ing.
: )

Lots of outdoor time, she lives in a beautiful area.
It's going to be a delicious time!

I'm only gone for four days so we want to jam pack as much as we can into it.
But also relax.

It sorta started out with me wanting to plan something special for her big birthday 
but now she is doing most of the work.
Gee, sorry about that, girlfriend.
But she wanted to show me around her little part of the world and I can't wait.
Luckily the flights are short and I'll actually spend more time waiting in airports than actually
on an airplane.

Now for the really hard part...
what to wear.

Stay tuned...
; P

Have a great *short* week, sweet peas!
Sending you love for the week.


Unknown said...

Hi Sheri

10 days wow - that seemed to come by quick

oh the things to plan - what to do, where to go, how to do it - what to wear - you both won't stop talking for the the first 24 hours straight!

enjoy the warmth left in the air this week it sounds like it is going to be cooooold soon

take care


Style Journey said...

A spa day sounds wonderful! Have a great time!

Looking forward to fall, but will definitely miss summer :)

Bravoe Runway said...

girly trips always go by so fast and while you say you want to just 'relax,' ehhhh that NEVER happens! You want to sight see, go to the spa, the pool, shop, catch up on girl talk, and have a nice dinner...and how is it every 1 on the hour someone at home calls to say mommy i miss you! when are you coming home??? So secretly hope the trip flies by so you can see those little faces!